Wednesday, November 24, 2010

What I'm thankful for.....Motrin.

Okay, I admit, it's a crummy title for my post.  It's been awhile since my last post for a few reasons.  I was able to get away for a bit with my husband.  We spent a few days in Florida.  However, my enjoyment in Florida was interrupted by horrible pain in my shoulder, back, and neck.  Turns out I was having muscle spasms, but I'm not sure what caused them.  So now I have to make time for physical therapy along with my other daily tasks of household chores, keeping up with my boys, painting, blogging, yearbook creation, social networking (I have to stay up to date on Facebook), Christmas shopping, Christmas cards....I'm sure you can all relate. 

So yes, I am very thankful for Motrin as well as a hot shower and a heating pad. 
I will do my best to keep up with all of your wonderful posts about your art and daily activities as I love to read them.  But please don't be offended if I don't take the time right now to comment on them.  I am hoping to be back to 100% very soon so I can avoid turning into the Grinch.

Maddey's portrait is finished.  I will be matting and framing it this week so it can go to it's new home wrapped up in a big bow.


  1. Beautiful finish on your doggie portrait! So sorry to hear about your muscle spasms - not fun. Perhaps from flying and being cramped in a plane? Sometimes the smallest things can set that off or it's an accumulation of little insults to the muscles and nerves that finally make you say OW! Hope you are better and can enjoy the holidays soon :)

  2. It's a beautiful portrait. Really nice work. I hope you get feeling better! We'll still be here when you get back. :)

  3. Gretchen, this is perfect, I love how you finished this, the background color is so pretty and the paws are just right, what a wonderful gift.
    I am glad you are back and feeling better (even if it is Motrin induced).
    Take your time and be well and then you can continue with painting and holidays and Facebook.....

  4. Oh...I'm so sorry! I was wondering where you were. Take good care of yourself. (Muscle relaxants really take away most of the pain with the spasms. It slows the spasms...which is causing the pain) Happy Thanksgiving!!!

  5. Too funny (which I'm sure you will appreciate at some point in the future - when your back stops hurting). My husband suffers periodically (usually after he does some heavy lifting!) and I had some problems when I was younger - so you have my sympathy. Get well soon!

  6. Love Maddy! I know her owner will be pleased with your portrait.
    I wish I could say that my pooches were done. I labor (no pun intended) to long over my paintings. That, and I have until Dec. 18th to have it wrapped up.
    Wishing you a speedy healing for your back so therapy can be dropped from your busy schedule.

  7. *hugs* Wish you better xx

    Maddey looks wonderful - I know the portrait will be treasured xx

  8. Thank you for all your kind thoughts and comments on Maddey. Each day is better and better, although I think I may have overdone it with trimming the tree and Christmas decorating today.

  9. No Worries!
    I don't get offended because I do know how hard it is to keep up with correspondence...and it really is a shame to see anyone waste their precious time and energy fretting over such fickle things.

    We are all busy women....I visit when I can..and truly appreciate when others take the time to visit with me. The fun of sharing and getting feedback here in blogland is priceless!

    your painting is soft!
    and it is so nice to hear that you got a chance to get away with the hubster...that is the best thing in the world!
    hope your spastic shoulders give you a break....that can literally be debilitating!

    ciao bella
    creative carmelina

  10. Dear Gretchen,
    Lovely work for your doggy.
    BTY, how are your muscle spasms or cramps? Acute? Please take care and sincerely hope you will get well soon.
    I've been coping with the difficulty for years.
    Nearly every morning, cramps in the leg wake me up. Stretching muscles and walking exercise is my daily menu.
    Look after yourself and get plenty of indulgences from Honey!
    Kind regards, Sadami

  11. I appreciate your concern Sadami. The spasms have subsided after about two weeks of them. I'm going through some physical therapy to get them working correctly again. I can still feel a twinge where the worst of it originated. I will just have to be more careful and realize I'm not 18 anymore:(



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