Tuesday, June 19, 2012

What Inspires You?

Inspiration comes in many different forms.  As an artist, I know what inspires me.  It's the inspirations of other artists that intrigue me.  Almost every year I attend a benefit for the Assistance League of Cincinnati called Books and Brunch.  Each year they invite several authors, artists, and illustrators to come and talk a bit about their experiences.  For some, their work is a process, for most it's a journey.

The following images are a small representation of what inspires me.  At times, I'm so moved by something that I have to act immediately and head to the studio.  Other times, I tuck the idea, or nugget of inspiration, into my right-sided brain and save it for later.  Although it's much easier to keep track of these via my camera and my computer.

Naturally I am drawn to flowers.  Most of my work includes flowers.  I believe it's the colors and forms that make me want to translate them into watercolor paintings.

Light.....whether it's early morning light or late afternoon sun, the small miracles that occur during this timeframe are amazing.  Most photographers will attest to this.

Sometimes just looking at something from a different angle can be inspiring.

Colors can really get my creative juices flowing.  These VW beetles at a local car show inspired me to paint "Slugbug Green".  Greens and blues are particularly pleasing colors to me.

My love of animals provides me an endless supply of ideas.  I'm also inspired by artists who paint animals by trade.  I particularly enjoy painting horses.

Sometimes it's not the item as much as the shadow that is cast by the item that catches my attention.  I found these oil cans bathed in the morning sun at a local flea market and immediately knew I had to paint them.

Rounding out my list of inspirations are my children, providing me with daily inspiration to not only continue doing what I love, but to hopefully inspire them to be creative as well.

What inspires you?


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