Friday, February 24, 2012

"Waiting Patiently"

"Waiting Patiently" watercolor by Gretchen Bjornson
It seems appropriate to post this painting for those of you who follow my blog.  Since my last post was early January, I assume most of you have been 'waiting patiently' for an update from me.  I do apologize for neglecting my blog for such a lengthy period.  It seems to be the case lately with my busy schedule.  I will continue to update my blog and visit all the wonderful blogs I follow as well!

In 2010-2011 flowers were very common in my repertoire.  Late last year was a period of deviation for me as I moved away from the usual and expected florals and widened my painting horizons with some new subject matter.  What a refreshing change of pace!  I've painted VW bugs (cars), abstract trees, vintage dolls, and another one of my favorites.....horses.  It seems horses have been most inspiring lately.  I know I've said it before in a previous post, but painting horses in watercolor reminds me of working with clay as I add layers of color and slowly mold the shape and curves of the animal with my brush.  Not only is color laid down.......I also lift color off to create highlights and reveal the undertones of the painting that were created with an early wash of glowing colors.  The process takes time, but in the end is very rewarding.

I hope you all are surviving the last (hopefully the last) bit of winter.  It's been a mild one here in Ohio, but I'm definitely ready for sunshine and much warmer days.


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