Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Should I stop?

"Art is completely subjective. It's up to the viewer to judge whether or not it has merit." (Ken Danby)

So here is where I am with the "Pick Me!" painting...
I am at the point where I am stepping back from it and deciding whether or not I should call it finished.  The realist/perfectionist in me says "add more detail".  However the artist in me says "Stop or you will overwork it".  As it is, the painting expects the viewer's eye to fill in the pieces and has an abstract feel.

So you decide......is it finished?


  1. I love your work, Gretchen! I agree, as is, it has a very abstract feel. I would like to see more green in the piece, giving it that lush crop look. So, my vote is no, it's not finished.

  2. "Gretchen, I love it. It reminds me of the sunflower field in Mason I photographed last summer. I walked to the middle of the field and it was just beauty in all directions. Your painting reminds me of that wonderful sunny day."

  3. Thank you for your comments. I will be taking this all into consideration. I've set the painting aside for now and will come back to it later.

  4. Hi Gretchen - found you through Rhonda's blog and her discussion about 'when to finish - leave impressionist or add detail'. Your sunflower painting to me is delightful and I love the unfinished areas. The more detailed flower heads tell me the viewer what its all about and I can enjoy roaming into the impressionist spaces. A great mix giving mystery and interest. So my vote is ' leave it well alone'.

  5. Hi Gretchen! I say...this one is just right and don't touch it anymore! It has just the right mix of detail and fluidity that watercolors are made for. I strive for this, too. It is a lesson from my painting idol, Andrew Wyeth. Ambitious and perfect!



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